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Friday, August 05, 2005

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I went and saw the Pernice Brothers show at the Rhythm Room last Tuesday, they were really good. I had a different picture in my head of what Joe Pernice (the lead singer) looked like. It's funny what images we create in our minds of people we only hear and haven't seen. They played a great set (see below), but what really caught my ear was the opening band Royal Gun. They really rocked and had some catchy songs. The lead singer was wailing on his guitar and was just awesome to watch play. I can't wait to track down their cd.

There Goes the Sun
Red Desert
Water Ban
Monkey Suit
Working girls
Saddest Quo
Amazing Glow
Crest Fallen
Baby in 2
Shoes & Clothes
Sometimes I Remember
Dumb it Down
Clear Spot
Weakest Shade of Blue
Flaming Wre
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