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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

4th Annual Halloween Horror Fest - Reviews
Saw ***'
[2004] Cary Elwes, Danny Glover
directed by: James Wan
Very cool movie with an awesome ending! The one problem is the acting - it's horrible, and noticeably so. But other that than, it's a solid horor movie with great new ideas and twists and turns.
Saw II ***'

[2005] Tobin Bell, Donnie Wahlberg
directed by: Darren Lynn Bousman
Just as good and maybe better than the first one.
The acting is much improved and not an issue, the twists and turns continue, just not quite as awesome an ending. But rarely do you get such a good sequel.

Shivers **** 
[1975] Paul Hampton, Joe Silver
directed by: David Cronenberg
What an interesting movie, considering it was made before AIDS really entered our society. It involves a sexually transmited parasite that takes over your body and makes you only think of sex, so it spreads very fast. Good Cronenberg gore, with a social message and an unhappy ending - great stuff.
Bad Taste ****
[1987] Terry Potter, Pete O'Herne
directed by: Peter Jackson
In the same vein as Dead Alive, this movie is full of stylized gore and violance, and just a lot of fun. Aliens take over a small town and package all the humans up to serves as intergalactic fast food. To save the day is a nerdy scientist/rambo group who blow up, decapitate, stab, mutilate and otherwise demolish the aliens.
The Changeling  
[1980] George C. Scott, Trish Van Devere
directed by: Peter Medak
Sadly, I fell asleep and didn't get to this movie, I guess I'm getting old. Will try and watch soon.

previous years:

Don't Look Back (1973) ****
American Werewolf in London (1981) *****
American Werewolf in Paris (1997) **'
The Hunger (1983) ***'
Dead Alive (1992) ****'

Wait Until Dark (1967) ****'
Night of the Living Dead (1968) *****
Dawn of the Dead (1978) ****'
Day of the Dead (1985) ****
May (2003) ***

Evil Dead (1981) *****
Evil Dead 2 (1987) ****'
Army of Darkness (1993) ****
Near Dark (1987) ****'
Nightmare on Elm Street 4 (1988) ****

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