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Thursday, November 17, 2005

Loved It Loved It Loved It !
Not as good as POA, but what is? 4 1/2 stars for the new Harry Potter movie!

Favorite Scenes:
Snape disciplining Harry and Ron in Study Hall - hilarious!
Hermione arriving at the Dance, and then Ron ruining her perfect night - when are those two going to get together?!
Graveyard scene - beautiful tone (nice and eerie), and voldemort was perfectly snake-like. And then arriving back to the crowd with the cheering slowly fading to dispair - perfect!

Dumbeldore seemed off, i haven't read the book but it might suppose to be that way. Him loosing control, not knowing everything or exactly what to do, I dunno he just seemed frazzled, when in the past he's been the rock.
Quiddich World Cup - beautiful stadium, great setup, then they cut to the afterparty showing NO action from the game itself, i'm still not sure who won! What a letdown.
Wish there was more of Sirius, and I heard that fire thing wasn't even in the book! Come on, Harry has a father figure now - let's see him.
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