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Monday, July 18, 2005

I totally got to meet Bruce Campbell!! He had a book signing for his new book Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way, and a screening of his new movie (that he co-wrote, directed, and stars in) called The Man With The Screaming Brain. It's total camp, and awesomely bad - I highly recommend it (if you like that sort of thing) The movie also stars Ted Rami (Sam's bro). It gets 4 popcorns and 2 reels.

The book is pretty funny so far, it's kinda autobiographical, and totally made up story about Bruce filming a movie for Mike Nichols and all the b-movie madness that he brings along with him. As you can tell, I'm a big Bruce fan ever since I saw Evil Dead during one of my Halloween Horror Movie Fests a couple years ago.
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